Educators Major Competition

Just today I learned that Apple now has in excess of 40,000 educational apps. The questions . . . why is Apple doing that? Why are we educators not doing that? Why hasn't ASCD taken that on? Apps will be a large part of any Mass Customized Learning success and we are sitting on our hands. MCL is Inevitable, either we do it or Steve Jobs will. Just saying . . . (cjs)


  1. Nancy

    Lots of companies have lots of applications, programs, worksheets, readings, whatever. I would assume that MCL would use all of those; why should we expect a group like ASCD or any other to produce the one true set?

  2. G'father Jon

    I am very interested in making a site visit to a school where MCL is being practiced. Where is the "LULC? Can I schedule a visit there?


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